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第 69 页


  而coroner这个字,现在是专指医学检验尸体者,但在当时是“负责调查状似非自然原因死亡之案件的政府官员”(official who investigates suspicious deaths:a public official formerly responsible for investigating deaths that appear not to have natural causes. Coroners are now largely replaced by medical examiners.)这只是我们讨论的少数举例,因为我们都想把它做最好的呈现。真想对雀斯说:You’ve out done yourself ,AGAIN!

  而coroner这个字,现在是专指医学检验尸体者,但在当时是“负责调查状似非自然原因死亡之案件的政府官员”(official who investigates suspicious deaths:a public official formerly responsible for investigating deaths that appear not to have natural causes. Coroners are now largely replaced by medical examiners.)这只是我们讨论的少数举例,因为我们都想把它做最好的呈现。真想对雀斯说:You’ve out done yourself ,AGAIN!


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